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How it works

How we track data from GoHighLevel:

ClientView uses 5 unique WebHooks (Not 5 unique hooks per client). This is because with just 5 hooks ClientView is able to receive the events and categorize them by client using the name and account ID sent with it.

This means you only have to setup once and push the snapshot update, then all of your clients CRM data will become trackable inside of ClientView.

These are called CRM Datasources:

CRM sources can be found in the Webhooks tab.

After setting up WebHooks - An event or test event will need to be fired in the GHL sub-account before the sub-account becomes available as a data source.

CRM sources are assigned to clients to unify their Advertising results with CRM results

How UTM Tracking works:

UTM tracking happens before the contact is sent to ClientView.

Any contact with a "Contact source" or UTM data like (Content, Medium, Campaign) prior to being sent to ClientView will be captured and tracked.

Look out for future updates where ClientView will give insights into individual ad performance.

How Facebook Tracking works:

First a user must connect a personal facebook profile that has access to the ad accounts you would like to track. The user can now connect ad accounts when adding clients.

Add client

Campaign Objectives:

By default ClientView will track all campaign objectives, meaning spend will accounted for across all campaigns regardless if they are lead orientated or engagement.

Select the campaign objectives you would like to track for each client.

Upcoming feature - Your preferred campaign objective trackings options will be saved so you no longer need to re-select when adding new clients (Coming soon)

Last updated