Tasks & Notifications
Last updated
Last updated
Tasks are created automatically from rising lead cost or broken back-end integration triggers. You can set your lead cost alerts in categories and broken integration is triggered when facebook reports significantly more leads than the CRM received.
Supported Tasks:
Rising lead cost notifications
Broken CRM integration alerts
Daily Budget Miss Matches (Soon)
Custom Alerts (soon)
When creating a client category, declare a max lead cost. When a clients lead cost in this category surpasses the "max" the assigned account manager will receive a task to optimize.
For when a clients leads are no longer being sent to their CRM. This integration break happens often and usually goes unnoticed.
Click the "eye" icon on a task to view it's details.
You can add a description or note and assign team members by clicking the "Edit" icon on the task
Drag and drop a task from one stage to the other. If an active tasks lead cost stabilizes or CRM starts picking up more leads the task will automatically close.
Drag to in-progress after optimizing to show an action has been taken but issue not yet resolved or awaiting to see the result of action.